This map shows the cities of Vietnam. The capital city is Hanoi, but the biggest city is Ho Chi Minh City.
Located at 21°N and 106°E, the capital city of Vietnam has an estimated population of 3,083, 800; the total population of the country is 84,238,000.
This city has been renamed many times by different kings. Past names include Dong Quan, Dong Kinh, and Thang Long. King Minh Mang gave the city its present name - Hanoi, meaning “within the river” - in 1831.
Ho Chi Minh City
The largest city in Vietnam, located at 11°N and 107°E, is Ho Chi Minh City with a population of 6,239,938.
Originally part of Cambodia, the city was conquered by Vietnam in the 1500s. It was called Saigon until the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, then named after Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese statesman, Prime Minister, and finally President.